Held in the seaside town of Swanage on the Isle of Purbeck in south Dorset, the Purbeck Pirate Festival is a three-day affair, held during the late May Bank Holiday each year.
The festival encompasses all things piratical – sword fighting, musket and cannon fire, beach skirmishes, stalls and attractions, the hugely popular Kid’s Pirate Disco, Mermaids, treasure hunts, stone carving, kid’s games, the Pirate Pub Crawl, the Pirate Surgeon, the Wimborne Militia, Jax Parrow and much, much more!
Pirate crews travel from across the land to Swanage to join in the fun each year, providing a living history encampment for you to wander around and soak-up the atmosphere. Just beware as the visiting crew often clash with the King’s Men during the weekend……..!!
Pirate bands and shanty singers join in the fun too, providing musical entertainment throughout the festival.