A celebration of all things Steampunk with two days of live entertainment, retail therapy by specialist traders and of course, steam! There will be a Saturday Night Variety Show from 7pm. Visitors are welcome to dress up in Steampunk style, with plenty of photo opportunities around the 36-acre industrial, working Museum.
What can visitors see and do at this event?
There is a fabulous line up of performers who will be providing entertainment throughout the weekend – in no particular order we are looking forward to welcoming Greg Chapman, Humphrey and Maude, local Brighton band The Dark Design, Doctor Gray and his Orchestra of One, Rapscallion, Sheriff Ants Trepreneur, Lux DeLioux, Bear North, and The Captain of the Lost Waves.
Retail therapy – trade stands will include Vintage Clothing, Leather Goods, Antiques, Jewellery, Mead and Liqueurs, Curios, Taxidermy, Accoutrements and Accessories, Costume, Corsets, Lighting, Professional Portraits, and more.
Our 1905 Bagnall steam locomotive Polar Bear will be hauling the passengers on the narrow-gauge railway throughout the weekend (subject to operational constraints) and there will be visiting miniature steam engines.
At the Saturday Evening Show from 7pm (adults over 16 only, £15) there will be a Costume Competition with a £100 cash prize.