We ‘ad a really great time this year; father Neptune was kind to us an’ kept his storm beasts firmly under lock an key. The sun shone brightly and the wind were nought but a mild zephyr o’warm air. Loads o’ pirates turned out to see us, an even the militia, wiv a couple o’ ignorant minor exceptions, were real gentlemen. There were loads o’ cannon fire and waving o’ cutlasses an’ merry tunes an’ entertainment stuff. T’were a little market selling all sorts o’ geegaws an sweet fings. An plenty o’ clever musements for little uns. Aye, we all ad a great time and can’t wait for next year!
If ye was there, I wishes ye a safe voyage till next year; I know ye’ll be back.
If ye missed this year ‘ave a little look at the gallery an see some o’ the folk who did come an’ what they got up to!